Declaration for the continuation of payment of a pension from the Republic of Bulgaria Applications concerning unemployment benefit entitlement under provisions of Regulation № 883/2004 and Regulation № 987/2009 Application for certifying the insurance record from other EU/EEA Member - The application has to be filled from persons, worked in other EU/EEA Member State who have submitted a claim for granting unemployment benefit from Bulgaria Application for PD U1 form Bulgaria (“Periods to be taken into account for granting unemployment benefits”) - The application has to be filled from persons, who have worked in Bulgaria in connection with submission of a claim for unemployment benefits in other EU/EEA Member State Application for retention of unemployment benefit entitlement granted from Bulgaria and issuing of PD U2 („Retention of unemployment benefit entitlement”) - The application has to be filled from persons seeking for job in other EU/EEA Member State when they are granted to Bulgarian unemployment benefit Application for certifying the date of registration with the Bulgarian Local Employment Office - The application has to be filled from persons seeking for job in Bulgaria with unemployment benefit entitlement granted from other EU/EEA Member State Application for issuing of PD U3 (“Circumstances likely to affect the entitlement to unemployment benefits”) - The application has to be filled from persons seeking for job in Bulgaria with unemployment benefit entitlement granted from other Member State of EU/EEA when they are obliged to inform the institution in that Member State about circumstance(s) likely to affect the entitlement to unemployment benefits